Extreme Color

The Best Pair Of Sunglasses You'll Ever Own
Vibrant, Stunning, Breathtaking Color
Let SuperX Blow Your Mind
One Lens,
All Sports
Superior Contrast
& Clarity
Extreme Color Performance
One Lens, All Sports
Exclusive Tech
Superior Contrast & Clarity
Happiness Guaranteed

Wicked Crazy Color Vision
Better color vision means better vision all around. More clarity, more depth perception, better visual discrimination = better performance. Our testing of SuperX shows a 3x improvement in color contrast enhancement over the competition for critical red and green color spaces.
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Tech That Rocks
We use advanced notch-filter tech built into the lens to selectively allow specific wavelengths of light through the lens while blocking others, enhancing your color perception. Our tech is exclusive and patented world-wide so no one can legally do what we do. Science for the Win!
Shop SuperXOne and Done
Some of our competitors want to sell you a different pair of sunglasses for every sport or adventure you’re into. We think that’s BS! So we created one lens to rule them all. No matter what your jam is, SuperX has you covered.
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