Beyond Color

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25 Facts About Color Blindness

25 Facts About Color Blindness

The world of color vision is full of intricacies and interesting facts. At EnChroma, we want you to know everything there is to know about being color blind. Here is a list of 25 intriguing facts a...

What Do Color Blind People See?

What Do Color Blind People See?

Color blindness is an often misunderstood condition. Many assume because of its name that “color blind” means a person can only see in black and white. In actuality, the vast majority of people wit...

The Impossible Garden: An Optics and Color Experience

The Impossible Garden: An Optics and Color Experience

What is it like to see with an artist’s eye, yet unable to see the color in your work as most of the world sees it? At EnChroma, we hear from so many color blind creative people who yearn to see al...

Color Blindness in the Classroom & Beyond

Color Blindness in the Classroom & Beyond

Our primary goal is to see every color blind person reach their full potential. This is especially true for children. Though seemingly basic, the understanding of color plays a significant role in...